Quantinuum Quantum Computer Now Operational at RIKEN

TOKYO, Feb. 11, 2025 — Quantinuum and Japan’s RIKEN research institution announced the on-premise installation of Quantinuum’s “Reimei” quantum computer at RIKEN’s Wako campus in Saitama, Japan. RIKEN said it has designed, prepared, and delivered a world-class facility for the trapped-ion quantum computer, “which will enable generations of high-performance quantum systems.” This machine is now fully […]

RIKEN Selects Quantinuum for Hybrid Quantum-HPC Platform

Quantum computing company Quantinuum and Japanese research institution and HPC center RIKEN announced that Quantinuum will provide RIKEN access to its H1-Series ion-trap quantum computing technology. The deployment will be part of RIKEN’s project to build a quantum-HPC hybrid platform that will include RIKEN’s Arm-based Fugaku supercomputer….

@HPCpodcast: On ‘Myths and Legends of HPC’ with the RIKEN Center’s Satoshi Matsuoka and Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zurich

There are so many great tech ideas, but how do you assess which ones will impact HPC? How do we filter out hype? In a new, future looking paper entitled “Myths and Legends in High-Performance Computing,” Satoshi Matsuoka, Jens Domke, Mohamed Wahib, Aleksandr Drozd, and Torsten Hoefler tackle 12 important topics, from major technology areas to specific capabilities and applications in HPC systems to come. In this episode, we talk with Satoshi and Torsten (one of them in an airport) about their paper, which helps formulate the right questions and initiates important discussion points by posing the topics as myths and legends in an enjoyable and humorous paper.

@HPCpodcast: Our Favorite 2023 Predictions, Puncturing the Myths of HPC and New Advanced Chips

In our opening episode of 2023, Shahin and Doug discuss the recent chip announcements from Intel and AMD and their implications for HPC. We also talk about are industry predictions for the year to come featured in this article on insideHPC — including the ones we think most interesting. We also discuss a recent paper from researchers in Japan and Europe — led by Satoshi Matsuoka of the RIKEN Center for Computation Science — on the 12 myths and legends of HPC, a buffet for thought.

Conventional Wisdom Watch: Matsuoka & Co. Take on 12 Myths of HPC

A group of HPC thinkers, including the estimable Satoshi Matsuoka of the RIKEN Center for Computational Science in Japan, have come together to challenge common lines of thought they say have become, to varying degrees, accepted wisdom in HPC. In a paper entitled “Myths and Legends of High-Performance Computing” appearing this week on the Arvix […]

TOP500: Frontier Maintains Big Lead, Europe at Nos. 3 and 4, China Quiet

The new TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, released today at the SC22 conference in Dallas, while short on surprises underlines several significant HPC trends. First the headline: the HPE-built, AMD-powered Frontier system, which was crowned the world’s first exascale-class system when the previous TOP500 list was released last spring, remains at the top of the list, delivering nearly three times the power of its nearest rival on the list. Frontier remains at 1.102 exaFLOPS….

RIKEN’s Matsuoka Wins 2022 IEEE Seymour Cray Award

HPC luminary Dr. Satoshi Matsuoka of the Japan’s RIKEN Center for Computational Science has been named recipient of the 2022 IEEE Computer Society Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award. It’s a measure of his standing in the industry that in conversation, Dr. Matsuoka is typically referred to simply as “Satoshi,” and everyone knows who you’re talking […]

OLCF Researchers Win R&D 100 Award for Flash-X Simulation Software

Oak Ridge, TN — A team that includes researchers from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility recently received a U.S. Department of Energy R&D 100 Award for their work on Flash-X, a multiphysics simulation software package with applications that include modeling the collapse and explosion of a massive star core, better known as a supernova. […]

Fugaku Retains No. 1 Spot in TOP500 HPCG and Graph500 rankings

Tokyo, May 30, 2022 — The supercomputer Fugaku, jointly developed by Janpan’s RIKEN Center for Computational Science and Fujitsu, has successfully retained the top spot for five consecutive terms in multiple major high-performance computer rankings including the Top500‘s HPCG and Graph500 BFS (Breadth-First Search), and has also taken second place for the TOP500 HPL and HPL-AI […]