Vanguards of HPC-AI: Spack Builder Todd Gamblin of LLNL on the Why’s and How’s of Change in HPC

In our continuing series on current and future leaders of HPC-AI, Lawrence Livermore National Lab’s Todd Gamblin has a well-deserved reputation in the HPC software community as a passionate ….

Vanguards of HPC-AI: Oak Ridge Lab’s Verónica G. Melesse Vergara — Unleashing ‘Breakthrough Science’

“One of the most fun aspects of HPC engineering is that you get to solve a broad range of problems getting an application to run well and run at scale – sometimes to even run at all. There is always something new to learn and the feeling of finding a solution ….”

Vanguards of HPC-AI: ORNL’s Dr. Feiyi Wang – Unlocking HPC-AI Breakthroughs that Neither Could Do Alone

“The potential of combining HPC and AI to push scientific boundaries drives me to explore new ways of leveraging these technologies together to unlock breakthroughs that neither could achieve alone. It is no exaggeration to say that the fusion of HPC and AI fuels my career path, allowing me to work at the forefront of scientific innovation.”

Vanguards of HPC-AI: Sandia’s Erin Acquesta, Extroverted Mathematician and Emerging Leader

In our ongoing Vanguards of HPC-AI series, we now feature Erin Acquesta, who holds a PhD in mathematics from North Carolina State University. She got involved in HPC-AI in 2014as a data scientist at Lenovo. In 2016, she joined the team at Sandia National ….

Vanguards of HPC-AI: Sandia’s Siva Rajamanickam — AI for Science That ‘Outpaces Predictions’

“I am passionate about working in the broad areas of machine learning for science, codesign of algorithms and architectures, performance portable algorithms, and combinatorial scientific computing. I focus on ….”

Introducing the insideHPC Vanguards: Tomorrow’s HPC-AI Leaders Taking on Today’s Big Challenges

With this profile of Argonne’s Bethany Lusch, insideHPC begins a new series called The Vanguards, intended to spotlight up-and-coming thought leaders, creative thinkers and innovators in HPC-AI, in scientific and technical ….

insideHPC Vanguard: LLNL’s Kathryn Mohror — A Passion for Managing Scientific Data

Kathryn Mohror was introduced to HPC in 2002 as a graduate student at Portland State University, where she studied new remote memory access features of the Message Passing Interface (MPI). She got hooked on achieving the best performance possible ….

insideHPC Vanguard: GE Aerospace’s Stephan Priebe — Pushing the Frontiers of Simulation

Dr. Stephan Priebe is a Senior Engineer in the Aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab at GE Aerospace Research in Niskayuna, NY. He became involved with HPC and AI ….

insideHPC Vanguard: NNSA’s Si Hammond and the ‘Almost Impossible’

In our continuing series on HPC-AI Vanguards, in which we recognize young members of the HPC-AI community showing potential to become industry leaders of tomorrow, we here profile Si Hammond, Federal Program Manager at the National ….