“The potential of combining HPC and AI to push scientific boundaries drives me to explore new ways of leveraging these technologies together to unlock breakthroughs that neither could achieve alone. It is no exaggeration to say that the fusion of HPC and AI fuels my career path, allowing me to work at the forefront of scientific innovation.”
Vanguards of HPC-AI: ORNL’s Dr. Feiyi Wang – Unlocking HPC-AI Breakthroughs that Neither Could Do Alone
HPC Helps Researchers Boost Tree Growth and Photosynthesis
A team of scientists at two Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Centers have identified a gene in a poplar tree that enhances photosynthesis and can boost tree height by about 30 percent in the field and by as much as 200 percent in the greenhouse.
HPC News Bytes 20240722: DOE’s Post-Exascale RFP, Chess Puzzle, CoreWeave’s New Energy Source, Ceramic-on-Glass Storage
Good mid-summer morning to you! It may be vacation season but the world HPC-AI never takes a break. Here’s a quick (5:42) run through the news: ORNL’s RFP for post-exascale supercomputer ….
RFP Opens for ORNL’s Next-Gen HPC, 3-5x Speed-Up over Frontier Expected, Aug. 30 Deadline
The Department of Energy has released a request for proposals inviting vendors to submit plans for a successor to Oak Ridge National Lab’s exascale supercomputer, Frontier. Vendors have until Aug. 30, 2024 ….
Exascale: Frontier Supercomputer Used in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of 2M Electrons
The exascale- class Frontier supercomputer set a new standard for calculating the number of atoms in a molecular dynamics simulation 1,000 times greater in size and speed than previous simulations of its kind, according to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where the HPC system is housed. The simulation ….
Exascale: SUPERLU/STRUMPACK Solvers Get Frontier Upgrade
“Before (the Exascale Computing Project), both packages had very little support for GPUs. We could get some benefit from running on a single GPU, but without updating the code, even 10 GPUs wouldn’t make it run much faster. We had to redesign a lot of algorithms ….”
@HPCpodcast: An Analysis of the New Top500 List
In this episode of @HPCpodcast, sponsored by Lenovo, Shahin and Doug discuss the big news on the Monday of each annual ISC conference in Germany, the release of the new Top500 ranking of the world’s most powerful supercomputers. At ISC 2024 here in Hamburg, we learned that the U.S. now has two exascale-class systems, , the AMD/HPE-Cray Frontier system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and ….
INCITE Call for Proposals for Access to Leadership-Class Supercomputers Open through June 14
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program is now accepting proposals for high-impact, computationally intensive research projects in a broad array of science, engineering and computer science domains. Proposals must be submitted between April 10 and June 14, 2024. Open to researchers from academia, industry and […]
@HPCpodcast: Matt Sieger of OLCF-6 on the Post-Exascale ‘Discovery’ Vision
What does a supercomputer center do when it’s operating two systems among the TOP-10 most powerful in the world — one of them the first system to cross the exascale milestone? It starts planning its successor. The center is Oak Ridge National Lab, a U.S. Department….
Exascale’s New Software Frontier: ExaSGD
“Exascale’s New Frontier,” a project from the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, explores the new applications and software technology for driving scientific discoveries in the exascale era. The Scientific Challenge As more renewable sources of energy are added to the national power grid, it becomes more complex to manage. That’s because renewables such as wind […]