Since 2022, GE Aerospace (NYSE: GE) has competed successfully for more than 3 million supercomputing hours under a U.S. Department of Energy peer-reviewed proposal process, incuding time on two of the three American exascale supercomputers — Frontier ….
Argonne Releases Aurora Exascale Supercomputer to Researchers
“We’re ecstatic to officially deploy Aurora for open scientific research,” said Michael Papka, director of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility. “Early users have given us a glimpse of Aurora’s vast potential. We’re eager to see how the broader scientific community will use the system to transform their research.”
TOP500 at SC24: El Cap on Top, U.S. Now Has 3 Exascale Supercomputers
Here in Atlanta at SC24, where an anticipated 16,000 attendees are expected to set a conference attendance record, the new TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers reports that El Capitan, the HPE-Cray/AMD supercomputer at Lawrence ….
Exascale: Argonne Deploys Aurora for AI-Driven Protein Design
Harnessing AI and exascale supercomputing, a research team led by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory has developed a computing framework to speed up the design of new proteins.
@HPCpodcast: Aurora Exascale Update and Other HPC-AI Topics with Argonne’s Rick Stevens and Mike Papka
Last year at about this time, we discussed the state of HPC and the Aurora ….
@HPCpodcast: ECP Software Leader Mike Heroux on Building and Sustaining Exascale-Class Codes
The @HPCpodcast is delighted to have Dr. Michael Heroux as ….
Aug. 21 Argonne Webinar on chipStar: a HIP implementation for Aurora Exascale
Aug. 20, 2024 — The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility will hold a webinar tomorrow from 11 am to noon Central Time covering chipStar, a HIP implementation for Aurora, the exascale-class supercomputer housed at Argonne. Registration information can be found here. ALCF Performance Engineering Team Lead Brice Videau will present chipStar, Argonne’s implementation of HIP, and […]
2 English Professors Win NSF Grant to Open Aurora Exascale Black Box
English professors at Clemson University and Portland State University have been awarded a six-figure research grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct fieldwork and interviews at Argonne ….
Argonne Lab Unveils Upgraded Advanced Photon Source
The Advanced Photon Source (APS) Argonne National Laboratory has emerged from a year-long shutdown ready for its second act. “Together with Argonne’s new exascale supercomputer, Aurora, the (APS) will empower scientists to make discoveries ….
MSBAI Secures DOE ASCR Frontier Aurora HPC Allocation
LOS ANGELES, July 1, 2024 — AI company MSBAI has been awarded an allocation on the Department of Energy’s leadership-class supercomputers through the ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC) program. This grant will accelerate the development of GURU, MSBAI’s autonomous system that designed to reduce modeling and simulation setup time from hours to minutes. The project, titled “Autonomy […]